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Let's Get "Dirt"y


Sustainable land stewardship starts from the ground up! Join us for a day of knowledge sharing and celebration of our soil resources at the Omaha Urban Soil Health Expo on December 3rd. We will be teaming up with local experts to help educate urban land stewards on how to keep our soils healthy + thriving! Whether you are an experienced urban farmer, prospective gardener, or somewhere in between there will be lots to learn and enjoy!

✨ Enjoy tons of amazing soil health demonstrations

✨ Learn from experienced local urban growers during panel discussions

✨ Find resources to start or grow your urban farming operation sustainably

✨ Connect with other Omaha-area growers

✨ Learn what you can do to advance soil health, climate resilience + sustainability in your community

December 3, 2022 from 10:00 AM - 2:00 PM

Swanson Conference Center, MCC Fort Omaha Campus (32nd & Sorensen Pkwy)

Interested in getting involved? Please contact Megan Belongia, Conservation Education Program Coordinator by email (

** Food will be provided! **


Schedule of Events

Resource Sharing and Networking Pt. 1

Exhibition Hall

NRCS Mini-Talk & Demonstrations

Breakout Room

Panel Discussion - Navigating Resource Concerns on Urban Farms

Breakout Room

Resource Sharing and Networking Pt. 2

Exhibition Hall

City Sprouts South Mini-Talk

Breakout Room

Soil Dynamics Mini-Talk

Breakout Room

Panel Discussion - Perspectives on Urban Land Stewardship

Breakout Room


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Mini Talks

Aaron Hird

NRCS Nebraska

Edgar Romero

City Sprouts

Brent Crampton

Hillside Solutions & Soil Dynamics

Navigating Resource Concerns on Urban Farms


Stephanie Finklea

Black Chick Farm

Omaha Sunflower Cooperative

Mark Brannen

Benson Bounty LLC

Alex O'Hanlon

Free Farm Syndicate

Perspectives on Urban Land Stewardship

Christine Ross

Refugee Women Organization of Nebraska

Luis Marcos

Communidad Maya Pixan Ixim

Ted Hibbeler

Nebraska Extension

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USDA is an equal opportunity provider, employer, and lender.


Navigating Resource Concerns on Urban Farms


Stephanie Finklea

Black Chick Farm

Omaha Sunflower Cooperative

Mark Brannen

Benson Bounty LLC

Alex O'Hanlon

Free Farm Syndicate

Blazing Star Seed Cooperative

Omaha Sunflower Cooperative

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Perspectives on Urban Land Stewardship


Luis Marcos

Communidad Maya Pixan Ixim: Reinforcing our Roots, Living our Maya Heritage

Ted Hibbeler

Nebraska Extension

UNL Native American Coalition

Christine Ross

Refugee Women Organization of Nebraska

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Mini Talks

Understanding Soil Health on Urban and Small-Scale Farms

Aaron Hird

NRCS Nebraska

City Sprouts South: Reclaiming Urban Land through Community-Based Urban Agriculture

Edgar Romero

City Sprouts

Industrial Composting in Omaha: Where you fit in & what to say to get others involved

Brent Crampton

Hillside Solutions & Soil Dynamics

USDA is an equal opportunity provider, employer, and lender.



What is the cost to addend?

This is a FREE event! However, if you would like to donate to support our Soil Health + Conservation Initiatives, you may do so at this link.

Where can I park?

Free parking will be available in lot A1, just north of Sorenson Parkway. Accessible parking is available in lot A2 on the north side of the Conference Center.

Will food be provided?

Yes! Complementary food and beverage catered by Metro's Institute of the Culinary Art will be provided for all attendees.

Call us:


Visit us: 

4002 Seward St., Omaha, Nebraska 68111

Sustaining Community
Through Gardening
Since 1995

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