City Sprouts offers workshops and classes, online learning tools for educators, educational programming, and more to educate the community about gardening and healthy lifestyle choices. Click on our programs below for more details!
City Sprouts offers workshops and classes, online learning tools for educators, educational programming, and more to educate the community about gardening and healthy lifestyle choices. Click on our programs below for more details!
growing gardeners workshops
The Growing Gardeners Workshop Series is a collaboration between City Sprouts and The Big Garden. We work together to offer four seasons of hands-on workshops that feature skills and techniques for every gardener and urban farmer: growing, cooking, preserving and eating healthy local food. All workshops are free and open to all ages.
Our workshops are broken up into three main tracks: Urban Ag School, Herbal Medicine Cabinet, and Culinary Workshops. We also have smaller workshops attached to various community events that we have throughout the year. Check out all of our workshop offerings on our Growing Gardeners website.
We love having guest teachers from our community lead workshops! Are you knowledgable about a subject that you'd like to share in a workshop? Reach out to our Education Manager and explain what skills you'd like to share.
growing gardeners workshops
The Growing Gardeners Workshop Series is a collaboration between City Sprouts and The Big Garden. We work together to offer four seasons of hands-on workshops that feature skills and techniques for every gardener and urban farmer: growing, cooking, preserving and eating healthy local food. All workshops are free and open to all ages.
Our workshops are broken up into three main tracks: Urban Ag School, Herbal Medicine Cabinet, and Culinary Workshops. We also have smaller workshops attached to various community events that we have throughout the year. Check out all of our workshop offerings on our Growing Gardeners website.
We love having guest teachers from our community lead workshops! Are you knowledgable about a subject that you'd like to share in a workshop? Reach out to our Education Manager and explain what skills you'd like to share.
little sprouts Live
Spring 2020 Session
Join us for Little Sprouts Live on Facebook for kid-friendly, virtual lessons on food, gardening, and the natural world!

Little Sprouts Live spring Sessions
Week 1: Exploring the Spring Garden
Explore the City Sprouts Garden with Anna! This week's challenge is to find signs of spring and life in your yard!
Parents, for a fun app that helps identify plants and animals, look into downloading the iNaturalist app on a smart device. it's free, easy, and fun to use!
Week 1 Challenge:
See if you can find signs of spring in your backyard, garden, or nearby park! Use the questions below for some idea on what to look for.
If you find signs of spring in your garden, you can share them with us by sending pictures to or posting pictures on Facebook here! Happy adventuring!
Week 1 Questions:

Can you find any flowers blooming or plants popping up in your yard? What kind are they? Do you know what kind of insects use those flowers as food?

Can you find any insects in your garden? What are they called?

Can you find any trees or shrubs that have buds forming on them? Do you know what those plants are called? What will the buds turn into?
Week 2: Planting a Garden
This week's challenge is to plant your own garden! We are planting our first crops of the year this week. We will be planting spinach, kale, peas, cabbage, carrots, and beets (which are all great to start right now). Below is a list of supplies you will need to follow along:
a sunny spot or a pot with good soil
a trowel
garden gloves (optional)
plants or seeds
a water source
Week 2 Questions:
If you'd like to share pictures or videos of you planting your garden this year, send them to or posting pictures on our Facebook page! Happy adventuring!

What kinds of vegetables can you plant in the spring?

What do plants need so they can grow big and strong?
What's your favorite kind of vegetable?
Week 3: Rockin' garden rocks!
This week, we are going to brighten up and decorate our gardens with some painted garden rocks! If you'd like to follow along, below is a list of suggested supplies and some questions you can ask your kids to get them excited for the lesson!
Rocks: smooth is preferred, wash before LS Live if you would like to follow along!
Outdoor acrylic paints: black, white, and your favorite colors
Old tablecloth or newspaper to protect your work surface
Old shirt or apron to protect your clothes
Clear paint sealant: e.g., Clay Pot Sealant, outdoor Mod Podge
If you'd like to share pictures or videos of your rock creations, send them to or posting pictures on our Facebook page! Happy crafting!
Week 3 Questions:

What other creatures live in the garden that we could paint on our rock?
Why do you think we want to use special outdoor paints for these rocks?
How else could we use rocks in our garden?
Week 4: What's in a flower?
This week for Little Sprouts Live, Anna is going to teach kids about the parts of a flower! Together, they’ll explore what’s in a flower and why they’re so important in the garden. Below is a list of suggested supplies and questions to start getting you thinking about the lesson!
Medium to large flower with visible stamen (Examples: crocus, Easter lily, tiger lily, daylily, tulip, daffodil, Amaryllis, penstemon)
Toothpick or tweezers
Magnifying glass
Flower part chart like this one here
If you'd like to share pictures or videos of your flower findings, send them to or posting pictures on our Facebook page! Happy exploring!
Week 4 Questions:

What does the flower of your favorite vegetable or fruit look like?
Why do you think flowers are good for the garden?
What do you think we'll find inside a flower?
Week 5: Native Plants in our own Backyards!
This week for Little Sprouts Live, Anna is going to teach kids about native, naturalized, and invasive species of plants that you can find in your own backyard! Together, they will search for a few recognizable backyard plants. Below is a list of suggested supplies and questions to start getting you thinking about the lesson!
A magnifying glass
Good walking shoes (like boots)
A bag to collect your findings (optional)
If you'd like to share pictures or videos of your backyard plant findings, send them to or post pictures on our Facebook page! Happy exploring!
Week 5 Questions:

Can you name any native plants growing in your
yard or garden?
Can you find the parts of
a flower in any native plants? If not, how do these
plants reproduce?
Do you know any plants
that have health benefits
for humans?
Week 6: Foraging for Flower Crowns
This week for Little Sprouts Live, Anna is going to teach kids a few tips on foraging and how to make a flower crown from dandelions! If you'd like to follow along, below is a list of supplies and some questions you can ask your kids to get them excited for this lesson.
Lots of dandelions (with the longest stems possible)
Positivity & patience
If you'd like to share pictures or videos of your beautiful flower crowns, send them to or post pictures on our Facebook page! Happy crafting!
Week 6 Questions:

What other crafts can you make out of dandelions?
What do you think "ethical foraging" means?
Why do you think we picked dandelions for this craft and not other flowers?
Week 7: Wildcrafted Cooking: Wild Onion Fritters
This week for Little Sprouts Live, Anna is going to show you how to fry up some wild onion fritters! If you'd like to follow along, below is a list of supplies and some questions you can ask your kids to get them excited for this lesson.
8-10 wild onions or green onions
1 ⅔ c. flour
2 eggs
2 tsp baking powder
1 c. milk
1 Tbsp. butter
1 tsp. dried parsley
Pinch salt
Sunflower or peanut oil for frying
Favorite dipping sauce (ketchup, mayo, BBQ)
Cooking equipment
Mixing bowl
Mixing spoon
Paper towels
A grown-up to help!
Week 7 Questions:

What other recipes do you think we could make with wild onions/green onions?
What is your favorite dipping sauce?
Can you name another edible wild plant growing in your own backyard? (Edible means you can eat it!)
Week 8: The Seasons of Fruits and Veggies
This week, Anna is going to teach kids about seed needs and warm and cool-season veggies with a virtual song and a game. We're also going to check on our veggies that we planted in Week 2 to see how much they've grown! If you'd like to follow along, below are some questions you can ask your kids to get them excited for this lesson.
Space to move around!
Week 8 Questions: